
Ct Art 3.0 Full Version
Ct Art 3.0 Full Version

Ct Art 3.0 Full Version

The computer version of this book is Chess Tactics for Intermediate Players: The book is expensive, but the price per problem is reasonable. I expect that the format of this book is the same as for Chess School 1b, which I found to be excellent. Sergey Ivashchenko’s Chess School 2 - 1,188 problems: I have not seen any praise of the new problems added in CT-ART 4.0, and the paper version is more convenient. The latest version of this trainer, CT-ART 4.0 has 2,200 basic exercises and 1,800 auxiliary exercises: This book is the paper version of the computer based trainer CT-ART 3.0, which has a good reputation. I would have expected more than a small paper back for the money, but the diagrams are not too bad, and the price per problem is reasonable. It is sorted by motif, with numbers in circles indicating the difficulty of the problems. I had a chance to look at a copy of this book at a local tournament. Maxim Blokh’s Combinative Motifs - “Many more than” 1,205 problems: 600 problems is not a lot, but the book is cheap and the price per problem is good. I will have to get round to using it! The book gets good reviews on Amazon and elsewhere. I have had a copy of this book for some time. Ray Cheng’s Practical Chess Exercises - 600 problems:

Ct Art 3.0 Full Version

I was put off buying this book for a long time by the publishers statement that it is suitable for all levels of player. I have bought a copy, and it looks very good. The introduction to the book says that it was written for club players. This book gets good reviews on Amazon and elsewhere, and is reasonably priced with a good cost per problem. Richard Palliser’s Complete Chess Workout - 1,200 problems: I have already said that Jeff Coakley’s Winning Chess Exercises for Kids (the hardest Coakley) is the subject of my next tactics training experiment, but what is there for me to consider after that?

Ct Art 3.0 Full Version